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1 fall a 1000 laughs

If you are an AMCer you will know that we spend a lot of time on the floor. It's part of us and we just have to  deal with it. So I did, When I was little, my mom, in my daily Physio, used to teach me how to fall, she though if I was going to, she wanted me to learn how to do it in front of her, so she used to grab my head and just give it a little push, with my balance that was enough, I would be in the floor a couple of seconds later. Lots of practice and I was ready to face the real world with its uneven surfaces. I'm really conscious about it while I'm walking in difficult places, I'm constantly reading the streets, but a soon as let my guard down that's it. Bang! Misha down! I normally fell in my stomach, so I'm out of air and people really get worry because I don't make a sound until I get my breath back and the uncontrollable laughter starts, I can stop!  Mainly because I just fall in the most stupid way or just because I just freak someone out. And I mean, this is every time, it doesn't matter if banged my head or my kneecap exploded in 5 bits and end up in surgery because of it, I STILL LAUGH...

I think life is a fun experience, and if I don't laugh about me and crazy things that seem to happen, when am I going to take joy out of it (life)? I'm just telling you that, if this happen to you as often as it does to me, you might as well just have fun with it.  



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